Can you Repair a Broken Tree Branch

Can you Repair a Broken Tree Branch Tree Removal

You might be wondering, “Can you Repair a Broken Tree Branch?”.  Determining if you can repair a broken tree branch is a rather simple process. First, assess the damage if you have a split base. If there is plenty of bark still on both sides of the break, you are in luck! However if you are lacking a significant portion of the bark, the tree may not be able to survive much longer.

Keys to Repairing a Broken Tree Branch

Providing support is essential to establishing a smooth healing process for your broken tree. Support can be provided by many different methods. The key is to bring the split portion back together with its other half to connect them and allow for true healing and growth. There are a few options to bring the pieces back together.

First, try the twine method and glue method. Bring the split pieces together and wrap rope around them to keep them together. Use glue to then fill in the gaps. After a few days, take off the rope or your tree will wither. In addition, use twine to hold together the tree above the split to provide additional support for the base.

If you need more support than is provided by the twine/rope method, use the rod, nut, and washer method. Drill a hole through the tree and place the appropriate size metal rod through the tree. At the ends of the rods, place nuts and washers. This will provide support for the tree to reestablish its healthy growing patterns.

These methods should place the tree branches or trunks in a position to heal and grow. If you need more assistance or have other large, broken trees, check out TalkLocal. They are a free service that will connect you directly to professionals right in your neighborhood!

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