How Much Should You Tip a Housekeeper?

How Much Should You Tip a Housekeeper Maid Services

Tipping can be a fairly touchy subject. You want to tip the right amount, because too little gives a bad impression and too much is a waste. When it comes to tipping your housekeeper, finding the right amount can be difficult. How much should you tip a housekeeper? This really depends on the level of service.

The general consensus about tipping housekeepers is to tip them anything ranging from 15-25% of the pay depending on the quality of service. However, this only applies to one-time jobs. Usually, housekeepers are hired on a regular basis to come and clean several times a month. In this case, it is better not to tip them every time, but to just give them a holiday bonus. This can range from a week’s to a month’s pay, depending on how good the service is and how long they have been working for you.

A good idea is to give them a gift card instead of just a bonus because it is more personal. You could get them anything from an iTunes gift card to Fandango gift card, just make sure it’s something they will use. If you are looking for a good maid service, consider using TalkLocal to find one. Simply enter a brief description of your service needs along with your location and availability, and TalkLocal will match you to several highly rated maid services in your area for free.

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